Friday, June 14, 2013

Second to Last‏

To: RAY BICE, Ray Bice, Michael Baxter, Justin Christensen, T Weid, T. Bice
Liebe Familie und Liebe Freunde,
We checked our mail last week. Sister Jencks, "Sister Bice, There is a letter for you! It's from the mission home!"
"Dear Sister Bice,
In case enough other people haven't been bringing this to your attention your every waking moment the last few weeks, you are going home soon. Here is some stuff you should probably know before you do...."
...Ok, maybe that wasn't exactly what it went more like,
"Dear Sister Bice,
Thank you for your faithful service as a representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Alpine German Speaking Mission. The time and effort you have sacrificed on His errand have not gone unnoticed. I congratulate you as you approach the successful completion of your mission!...."
.....but the two read about the same to me when I opened it.

 At any rate, I feel pressure that since this is my second to last email, it needs to be escecially brain is soooo no cooperating right now..and I can't really think straight..but..I will do my best!

Soooo Stuttgart! I do love Stuttgart. I tell you what, I never knew I could love so much as I have learned to love on my mission. It really is a crazy thing. You grow to love an area and the people there so much, that you think you'll never love another area or people so much again. But then! You do. With the help of the Lord, you do.
So! Last Monday, we got to play with...Frau Hausmann! It was so fun. She drove down her for P-day, and I get to see her one more time before I leave because this weekend we have Stake Conference. :)
We also had an AWESOME lesson with our AWESOME investigator Neyber. (We actually had SEVERAL really awesome appointments last week. With investigators. Look at us go!) Anywho, Neyber is so cool. He is 20 and from Venezuela, AND has the light in his eyes. Annd I think I already mentioned that he doesn't speak German or English, but his member friends translate for us and he is super ready for the gospel. We met with him twice last week and are excited to continue to meet with him this week! Besides which the member family that we meet together with are some of my FAVORITE people in the world. They are so great. Mensch. I love them. I feel like these last couple of weeks have been just so full of miracles and love. It's like the first transfer here we were just doing all we could to get in people's doors, and now that it is almost time to go we have been building these great relationships with everybody! *sigh* But like someone once idea who..."The righteous never have to say goodbye.." I love that.
Have I mentioned that Sister Jencks and I move again? Yep. The international ward was supposed to be getting 2 more elders but, surprise, they will be getting sisters instead. Which means we need to move into the apartment that will fit 4 people. We are going to be moving on Saturday, which means I will just pack my stuff and..leave most of it packed. Naja. As if the last weeks on a mission aren't crazy enough..but! Don't worry about sending anything to a new address. Just use the old one and the Elders will get me my mail..oh, the madness. Bring it on.
Naja. There are always stories I could tell but I suppose at this point it is almost just worth it to wait until I can tell them in person. I feel like more important than what we do as missionaries anyways is what we learn. So! I will share with you a little of what I learned last week. :) So! Yesterday at church one of the Brethren in the ward that I hardly know shook my hand and said "..You sure don't look like you are going home in two weeks.." I thought to myself.."Now what could he mean by that? I still look like I'm 15? I haven't gained enough weight..?" Then he continued "..You are still so excited about the work. You're just like a greeny". Daw. Best. Compliment. Ever. It was probably partly due to my testimony that I bore in church last sunday. I realized AFTER I had sat down that I was a little like a 5 year old girl on Christmas as I talked about missionary work and the gospel and how great it all is. But! That is exactly how I feel! I have never in my life been as happy as I have been on my mission, and I have never on my mission been as happy as I am now. And it has NOTHING to do with my surroundings, rather, what is inside of me. I thought about it yesterday during testimony meeting, and the reason I have been so happy here is 1) I have been more obedient to God the last 18 months than ever before in my life and 2) I have spent the last 18 months laboring to give the thing I love most to other people. Obedience+sharing the gospel=happiness! Not only happiness, but joy as well!  Mosiah 2:41 "And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. [annnnnd share the gospel..] For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." Of THAT I can testify. There truly is no other way to happiness. We certainly are not perfect but we are all down here trying. The trick is to make the best of it, and help as many people along the way as we can. I am every day increasingly more amazed at the example our Savior set for us. He showed the way and He is the way. I have been amazed at how ALL of the little bumps and hiccups, and even the mountains and earthquakes of life can be stilled by trying to do as Jesus did. His divine attributes help us overcome EVERYTHING that life throws at us. We can't get 'em just simply by asking and we can't have 'em without his help, but, as we try to become better with every little decision we make, we truly CAN "be like Jesus". I feel like I repeat myself all the time in these emails but...eternal truths are eternal truths! The gospel is just a beautiful thing. I can't believe I am really "dying". My mission life is swiftly coming to an end. I feel like I won't hardly know what to do with myself afterwards but..wir kriegen das schon hin. I am excited to apply all the things I've learned here to my life at home. Spannend. It's funny, people are scare to even say the word "home" around me for fear it will make me trunky. Psh, yeah right. I am here HEART AND SOUL until the very end. :) I love you all and hope you have a lovey week and pray every day for an unseen opportunity to bless the life of someone else!
Sister Bice

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