Monday, January 9, 2012

Halo Meine Familie!‏

Well hey there friends and family of mine!
So! This week, nothing really out of the ordinary happened..but! It was a great week. I went by so fast. We get 2 new districts of Deutschers next week, which is hard to believe. This last week also marked my "one month since I've been here" and my "one month until I leave" anniversaries....insanity!
So! This week! I regret to report that obviously I haven't praying fervently enough snowed this week. Schnee. Gross. We woke up to the treacherous stuff on Thursday. :/. Ok, so it's not THAT bad. But it IS cold. Good thing I'm inside all day eh?
Oh! Right! We got to go to the temple today! It's been closed for our last 3 p-days (Vorbereitungstag is the German word for P-day..say THAT three times fast..)..but today it was open! It was so, so great. I'm pretty sure the Provo Temple has scarcely seen a group of missionaries so anxious to go to the temple. I encourage all of you who have access to a temple nearby to attend's a beautiful place, full of beautiful promises. It really opens ones eyes to the eternal potential of man...
Hmm..Sacrament meeting this week was super neat. It was, of course, in German. They play a little game of Russian Roulette with us missionaries. We all have to prepare a talk in German, and then, during the meeting, they choose two missionaries to give theirs. I was thrilled when Sunday morning, I was asked to say the closing prayer...because that meant I wouldn't be speaking. Hah. Anywho! The meaning was on the Atonement. The neat thing about missionaries learning a language is it really brings you back to the basics....because that's all you know how to say. I really noticed that during testimony meeting last week. The testimonies were beautiful, sincere, and simple. Because we were all speaking German. Fear not, I discovered that German triggers the tears just as readily as English when I bore my testimony auf Deutsch...hah. Oh! Mom, you'll be so proud. My quartet sang in Sacrament. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. At the end, our counselor said "Thank you Elders...and Sister Bice for that beautiful song" Yes, it is a men's quartet. Yes, I am their Tenor 1. :D We audition for the MTC presidency on Thursday...wish us luck?
Mmk! My thought for the week? I was reading in Romans the other day. I love Romans. Anywho, Romans 8:31 "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, Who can be against us?" Then on to Isaiah 35:4 "Say to them that are fearful of heart, be strong, fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you." Therefore! Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Evil and good are really the only 2 forces in this life. I once heard the quote "God is voting for you, Satan is voting against you....but it's your vote that counts." In every deed we perform, we "cast our vote" to one side or the other. Ultimately, the power lies with us. And if we have God 'for us', then we truly can "overcome evil with good", for our God "will come...and save us."
Also! In Music and the Spoken Word yesterday, the Tab Choir sang a beautiful arrangement of "Somewhere out there" from "The American Trail"..that cartoon about the mouse...and! As I was listening, my attention was particularly drawn to the line "somewhere out there, someone is saying a prayer...that we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there..." Or something along those lines...the point is...somewhere out there in Germany, someone is saying a prayer. They may not know that they are praying for Sister Bice, but they are. They are praying, pleading with their God, that somewhere out there is the truth. Praying that someday, they might find it. Meanwhile, Sister Bice is at the MTC, ever with a prayer in her heart that she may be worthy of the Holy Ghost, that it will guide her to those people, halfway across the world, who seek the truth, "but know not where to find it." And so, somewhere out there, someone is saying a prayer, that we, me and them, will find one another someday. And! God answers prayers. People are being prepared. The field is white. What a marvelous work this is.
Anywho! That's all I've got time for...but! As always, know how much I love you all, and pray for you each day. We counted the other day, and the average MTC missionary says something around 20 prayers each good! I hope you all have a lovely week!
Much love,
Sister Bice :)

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