Monday, January 16, 2012

Guten Tag!‏

Halo Meine Familie und Freunden!
Wow! I tell you what, this week just FLEW by! Oh the madness. I leave the MTC in (give or take a few days) 3 weeks! Then I'll be in GERMANY! I can hardly wrap my brain around it all.....
So! This week! We got a nice little treat at our Tuesday night devotional....Russell M. Nelson came and spoke to us! He gave a really neat talk on the gathering of Israel and how we are fulfilling the prophecies of old concerning it. Hah apparently the Quorum of the 12 fight over who gets to come and speak at the MTC....
Also! Thursday my quartet and I auditioned to perform a musical number here. We'd been warned that Sister Nally (the head music coordinator..) hates a capella numbers. It was true. We sang for her, and she expressed that hate to us....but! She said she was really impressed by us, and couldn't believe we'd only just met here at the MTC because we sounded really good together. So she gave us a "yes" and see if she could get us in somewhere. The next day, I had a letter from "The Provo MTC" in my mailbox. I opened it up and "Dear Sister Natasha Bice, Thank you for your willingness to share your musical talents while you are here at the MTC. I have scheduled you to perform "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" on January 15th and the Sunday fireside...." Yep, that's right, that was yesterday. This MTC is gonna be sick of me by the time I leave! IT was great, they announced our group and song, and an audible *gasp* went through the audience. Apparently people really like that song. Haha. Anywho! It was really fun. It was less nerve wracking to sing for the 2000 missionaries than it was to audition for 2 ladies. It was a really beautiful arrangement. I was going to try and record it to send home but I forgot....I love music:)
Also! We get 20 new Deutschers this Wednesday! That'll be fun. One of them is from St. George...Teila's stake presidents son..I think the new faces will make the time pass a little faster here...
Also! We now have 4 progressing investigators! Woo! It's fun. One of them has a baptismal date, and the other three..well...we're working on them. We just got them all this week so...yeah! (Just to avoid confusion..they aren't actually real investigators..they are just teachers here at the MTC..but it's still really neat..)
And on a more spiritual note. This week has been amazing. I try and study one Christlike attribute a week to work on, and this last weeks was submissiveness. I don't know that any of Christ's attributes could be esteemed more highly than another, but submissiveness is truly incredible, and, in my opinion, one of the ones most contrary to the "natural man". I read in a talk this week "Every opposition happens for one purpose only: to give you the opportunity to respond by applying in your life the teachings of Jesus. As you do so, you are changed to become more like Him." What a new perspective! To think that every opposition we face is an OPPORTUNITY to be like Jesus Christ. So! I've really been trying not to fight against my Father, and "become as a child" and "submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [me]" (Mosiah 3:19) Only when we are submissive and humble are we teachable...
Also! I read in a talk today by Elder Nelson that the English word "Gospel" comes from the old English word "Godspell", meaning "Good news." How true that is! This gospel is truly one of good news. I'm not sure the exact number, but the Book of Mormon uses the word "joy" a LOT. I heard in Institute once, "What could go so wrong in any given day, that could diminish the joys of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ?" There are SO many things to be thankful for in every single day, that it would be a shame to focus on the bad things. Not to say that that's always definitely takes constant effort. But when one tries to live with a heart full of gratitude, it's hard to be unhappy with life. "Love life, and it will love you back!"
Anywho! I'm out of time I'm going to scamper off...but thanks again for all your support and prayers! It means so much. It's always great to get letters from family and friends. Just remember how much I love and appreciate all of you! Fight the good fight! Do good things! And never underestimate the power of a genuine smile. :)
Love you all!
SIster Bice

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