Liebe Familie und Freunde,
Well! I must say this week has been..interesting. A little bit eternally long, and yet it went by so fast..
I want to send a quick shout out to all the people from whom I recieved letters from this week! You know who you are..I think..at any rate, you all are great, and really help with all your spiritual thoughts and motivation. Thanks so much:)
Sooo this week was..a little bit of a bumpy ride. I may or may not have had a minor breakdown on Wednesday..hah. But I think it was mostly God just bringing me to my kneews. Testing me. He does that sometimes. Like in Alma! The book of Alma has the best missionary stories. Alma 26:27 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the..Germans..and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." I feel like this week, God let my heart..break a little bit? But only because broken hearts are humble hearts, and humble hearts are teachable hearts. God only breaks us down, so that He can lift us higher. What great trust he must have in all of us! At any rate, I'm really grateful that I am a missionary. Truly. I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned, the ones I'm learning, and the may that are yet to come. What a truly great calling it is to be a servant of the Lord.
So! We can't forget about the second half of that scripture now can we? After a long week of streeting and dooring, we did at last see some success on Friday! As we were streeting Wednesday, we met a woman walking her kids to Kindergarten. She said "Sorry, I have no time.." We asked if we could stop by her house sometime and she said..yes! After fumbling for pens and planners we got her address and said we'd stop by. And so we did on Friday. We rang the bell and there was no one home, but there was a lady out back. We THOUGHT that MAYBE it was her...but we couldn't really remember. But we took our chances and stood awkwardly at the gate and shouted across the yard.."..Guten Tag.." She looked up and recognized us (phew..) and let us into the backyard. We then all sat at the table and talked a bit. Her name is Frau Lippl. Turns out she was raised in Communistic Czech, and has little to no concept about God, but is interested in learning more. We talked about God and how He is our Father, and she said that would be pretty hard for her to believe. But! She was excited when we told her we could get her a Book of Mormon in Czech, AND we have another appointment this week!
So as soon as we left her house, we turned the corner and there was a lady walking her dog. We stopped to talk to her and she was busy but she also gave us an address and we set up an appointment for today! And THEN we stopped by a referrals house for the 10th time this week (she is never home..) and there she was in the front yard enjoying the sun! We have an appointment with her this week too. :)
So! Point? If we want the rainbow, we've gotta put up with the rain. "My son, peace be unto thy soul. Thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high, and thou shalt triumph over all thy foes..." ALL our foes. That includes Satan. Who of course is always working around the clock to drag us down with discouragement, fear, inadequacy, etc. But! "If we keep our eyes to the sunshine, we cannot see the shadows."
Well! That's about all I've got for this week! Or rather, that's all the TIME I've got for today. But! I am looking forward to another great week here in Göppingen! Even the rough weeks are great weeks when you're a missionary:)
I love you all! Thanks again for your prayers and support:)
Sister Bice
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