Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Grüß euch miteinand!‏

Lieber Familie und Freunde,
Sooo I am assuming that most of you have probably already heard the news, but for those of you that haven't....
MY BABY SIS IS GOING ON A MISSION!! She has been assigned to labor in the Colorado Springs mission (including the states of Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Kansas), and enters the MTC on February 27th! And! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for her!! My mission has changed my life, and I can't wait for the wonderful experiences that lie ahead of her. Mensch! Look out world! Here comes another Sister Bice!! :D
Naja. That may or may not have been the highlight of my week. Hi, my name is Sister Bice, and I love missionaries. :) Speaking of missionaries! Sister Drury and I had another great week here in Wels. We are still on the search for the Lord's elect, and we still have smiles on our faces! Sister Drury really is a blessing. Except for the fact that as I was innocently sitting on my bed writing in my journal last week, I got attacked by a vicious slobbery SNOW BALL! What the what?? Nasty little stuff. But! Appalled as I was that Siste Drury would stoop to such a childish act, I decided to play the bigger man and not to get mad, rather to get even. She may or may not ahve ended up with a handful of snow down her shirt. Why? Because I love her. :)  Haha. Really though, I have been SO blessed with companions on my mission. All of them are like sisters to me, and I would do anything for 'em. I am so grateful for the best friends I have found in all of any rate, Sister Drury and I somehow manage not only to keep sane in Wels, but to LOVE every day of it. One thing I have learned out here is that happiness is completely independent of what is happening in your life. Happiness has to come from within. And! I am happy. :)
Soo we were walking home on Friday after getting stood up for an appointment, when we bumped into a girl named Rebekah, that I also happened to bump into my first day in Wels. Her parents were members of the church when she was younger, but when they left so did she. She is really nice and open though. And! She had her darling 4 year old daughter with her. Lily Sky. She was super shy when I asked her what her name was. She whispered it like a little church mouse and her mom had to help her out. Hah. So we stood and chatted with her mom a bit when all of the sudden little Lily came and hugged up to me as I was standing there on the sidewalk and hung on for the rest of the couple minutes of conversation. So. Adorable. I don't know what came over her. We decided that children can just feel the spirit because they are just a little bit closer to heaven. I really do believe that. Anywho, we are hoping to get an appointment with her one of these days. She's is super neat.
So! I have decided that one of the things I will dearly miss about my mission is...comp study. I think I am going to have to sucker my mom into doing it with me when I get home. (Did ya hear that mom? Consider yourself warned..hah.) Sister Drury and I were talking in study the other day and she said something that President told her in interviews last week. Something along the Lines of.."You (so, us as missionaries..or as people in general) are the tool. When the Lord needs you, He'll pick you up and use you." But! Until then! You gotta keep the rust off! Keep doing whatever it is you can do (..that includes not worrying about what all the other tools in the shed are doing..) so you re ready so that when He DOES need you, He can, and will use you. I mean we hear all the time that we are "tools in the hand of the Lord" But! A tool can do nothing of itself. This work isn't about us! It is about the Master. In his hands, we can do wonders. What a beautiful concept. And there are all shapes and sizes of people for the same reason there are lots of shapes and sizes of tools. When you build a house, you need lots of different tools for lots of different tasks! Sometimes you need a saw, other times you need a hammer, or a screwdriver, etc. Well in building the Kingdom of the Lord, there are also lots of tasks to be done, and each person "has a work to do". So! The goal is just to be patient and worthy, and trust that when the Lord does need you, He will pick you up, and use you to further the building up of His Kingdom.
Annd before I go I also wanna share a line from a song I heard this week. It is one of those "little bit cheesy" church songs that sometimes drive me crazy, but I really like it. It is called "back into the Light" and says
"You've tried to ignore the mistakes, you've tried to ignore the pain...bring it into the light where mercy can reach you."
...Big fan. I have definitely played that game before in my life. The "ignore the mistakes and ignore the pain" game. Why? I have no idea. I wouldn't recommend it. It always ends in tears. I love that my mission has taught me that mistakes are made to be confronted and learned from, and pain is there to teach and then be healed. If we are always trying to hide our "wounds" with band-aids when in reality we need stitches, they never get properly taken care of and a lot of times they get infected. We rob ourselves of the healing power of the Atonement. We all know how much we hated the big brown bottle of peroxide as kids because we knew it meant pain, but our loving parents knew that in the long run we would be better off for it. The Lord knows that making mistakes and learning from them is sometimes a little uncomfortable, but in the long run, we are better off for it. The fact of the matter is: it is ok not to be perfect. We may have scars, but that doesn't make us scarred. The Savior heals us lovingly, if we allow Him to. We need only place ourselves in a place "where mercy can reach us". And we are the ones with the ability to do so..
Annd the other line.."You don't have to stay on this path, you can change with your very next step. Bring yourself into the light where mercy can reach you.." I just loved it because it goes along with all of the things I have learned about change on my mission. I used to look at change as kind of an abstract principle that was hard to grasp. I mean I always had goals and visions and would do things that I HOPED where bringing me in the right direction, but for the most part I guess I figured that one day I would just look around and realize I was there. Welll we all know how false that is. Hah. We are very much in control of change. At least to a large degree. If I want to change something, the place is here and the time is now! Regardless of where I am at in life. Change begins with "the very next step." I heard a quote once.something like.."Our biggest challenge in life will be to believe that we can change." I forget who said it but it's true. Satan tells us that we are failures from the get-go and that we can't change. I feel like that is one of his favorite lies. But that goes against the entire plan of Salvation and especially against the Atonement. Not only CAN we change, but we are EXPECTED to change. And! We are promised divine help as we do so. Ether 12:27. :) The last 13 months have been full of changes in me and around me. I feel like I just got here, but in reality I am on the downhill slope! Which means my steps are numbered and I need to make every one of them count! Which I plan on doing to the best of my ability, which coupled with the help of the Lord will be enough. :)
Ok I am once again out of time. But I love you all so very much and thank you once again for your love and prayers. Have a lovely week and don't forget to smile!
Sister Bice

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