Friday, January 11, 2013

Grüß euch miteinand!‏

Liebe Familie und Freunde,
"I, Sister Bice, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my fathers; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my mission, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowldege of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make an record of my proceedings in the days of my mission." 1 Nephi 1...well, sort of. Hah. I started the Book of Mormon over today, and read this verse, and thought "Hey! That's me!" Sometimes, I feel like these emails are "a record of my proceedings..." so! Hang on tight cause here we go again...
What a week! I am not going to lie, I thought to myself yesterday, "hmm..what am I going to email home about this week? What has happened" I even asked Sister Drury and she said " years?" Oh! Right! I forgot that was just a week ago...crazy. So! Short, sweet, and simple? New Years was AWESOME!! You know those little dinky fireworks we all get to light off in the States? And you know the big fancy ones the city always shoots off for the 4th of July? Well, in Austria, everybody and their DOG shoots off those big fancy ones. Loud? Very much so. Dangerous? Most likely. Worth it? Yes!! Hah. Anywho, we spent New Years with Laura and it was just wonderful. And now it's 2013! Oh, the madness.
Sister Drury and I just had a little miracle on the way to write emails just barely! We wanted to do some contacting beforehand but the weather was bad so we decided on some dooring. We came to a corner and said "Hmm. Now what?" I saw a yellow building up the street and said "let's try that one". We walked over to it and were actually planning on going to another one in the complex when I looked at the klingle box as we passed. There was a name on there that I had recognized as a younger girl Sister Baxter and I had once tried to reach at another address, but she had moved. I thought "hmm..maybe...nah....well, why not?" We klingled and asked if she had a few minutes for a message. She said yes and let us in. Turns out, it is the same girl. She just moved to the other side of town. She still had the BM the elders gave her a year ago sitting on her shelf. She had given up on reading it, but we recommited her to and she gave us her number so we can make out another appointment with her next time she is in Wels. It was a testimony to me that oft times, the spirit is leading us, even when we have NO IDEA that that is what is happening. This is the Lord's work and even the smallest of miracles can bring the greatest joy, if we only let them.
Ok funny German moments!! At the expense of Sister Drury. Don't worry, I have her permission. ;) We were teaching Laura last week about prophets and why we had them. Sister Drury wanted to say "We have prophets so that we don't have to have any doubt when it comes to knowing how to get back to our Father in Heaven..." So! She says "...wir müssen kein...Zwiebel?..." *looks at Sister Bice...Sister Bice has nothing to offer but a very confused face, trying to figure out why in the world Sister Drury is wanting to talk about ONIONS when we are teaching about prophets...then, Sister Bice realizes that Sister Drury was wanting to say ZWEIFEL, meaning "doubt", not zwiebel, meaning, onion.....Sister Bice cracks up and is useless for the next 3 minutes of lesson...* Soo...that probably isn't funny unless you speak German. I thought it was hilarious. We were also dooring the other day and she said "Hallo, wir sind von der Kirche Jesu Christi und wir sprechen mit Jesus Christus..." Which means..."Hello, we are from the Church of Jesus Christ and we speak with Jesus Christ..." Bahah. She meant to say we talk to people about Jesus Christ...and just forgot a couple of words. I told her later and we both died laughing. She is such a trooper. If I had to put up with me, I am pretty sure I would request a transfer...
Speaking of Sister Drury, she said something in comp study this morning that I really liked. Her and I talked last week about the "band-aid" approach to fixing problems in ourselves and in our lives. How many times, we will have a problem, and instead of fixing the problem, we "slap a band-aid on it" by brushing it off, getting rid of it temporarily through an outlet like music or sports, pretend like its not there, avoid it, etc. But! She said "My mission is forcing me to solve my problmes using the Atonement of Jesus Christ." I love it so much because that is what my mission is doing to me. Before I used to just cover a lot of things up with a band aid. But now, with all of my other "outlets" gone, all I have is my Savior, which is exactly how it should be in the first place. I have learned a lot of things about myself on my mission, and a lot of things about my Savior. But the best lessons I have learned are the ones that have taught me to Come unto Him and let Him lead me by the hand as I humbly try to become the Child of God He knows I can be.  "You are in your prime missionary mode right now, make the most of every second of this wonderful privilege."
I read my email from President Miles this week, and this is the first thing it said. Actually, this was all it said. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I'll be honest, it makes me a little nervous. Sometimes more than a little. But at the same time I have been reading through my journals lately and am astounded at all that I have learned so far on my mission. And now the trick is just applying it! I am so grateful for Sister Drury and the opportunity to train. I feel like her excitement and readiness to get out and do missionary work has really fed my fire and given me lots of opportunities to put things I have learned into practice and stretch myself as well. I don't want it to end. But! "I have a work to do.." here in the mission field and after I am done doing it I will have another work to do, but until then, I am indeed going to do my best to make the most of every second of it. This IS a wonderful privilege. I found in some notes this morning a quote from President Miles.."Be as excited as you can be about this great work. Your time is but a moment." He said that once in a Zone meeting. I know it is simple but it really hit me. And now more than ever I am feeling the reality that my time is but a MOMENT! And it keeps going faster! But I am in love with this great work and will eternally be grateful for this opportunity. I feel like I have so much farther to go to become the missionary the Lord wants me to be, but, one day at a time, I am trying to give Him my best. I read an AWESOME scripture this morning in study. Acts 3:6. Peter and John are going about the ministry and enter the temple where they meet a lame man begging. They go to him and he expects them to give him money, but Peter says, (I like it better in german, so bear with me...) "Silber und Gold besitze ich nicht. Doch was ich habe, das gebe ich dir: im namen Jesu Christi, des Nazoräers, geh umher!" the effect of, "I don't possess Silver and Gold, but what I do possess I'll give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk"..Love it! I realized that, like Peter, I don't possess silver or gold. But what I do possess is of great worth. What I so possess is a testimony that CHrist is my Savior and that He lives. And in that testimony is immense healing power. Just as Peter healed the lame man in the name of Jesus Christ, I too can help and heal people with things not of this world, rather, things of much greater worth. Namely the testimony of  the truth of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ that is available to every soul who seeks it. THAT my dear friends is something greater than silver and gold and all the riches of the world put together. That is why I am here. Many of you, my dear friends and family, have this precious knowledge as well. What are you doing with it? And for those of you that haven't yet come to this knowledge, I echo the invitation of the Savior to "Come and see."
I love this gospel. I love this work. I am so grateful for the lessons my Savior is teaching me here in Austria and I am looking forward to the miracles that He certainly has in store for the coming week. I thank every one of you for your love and especially for your prayers. Remember to have a lovely week, and never forget to SMILE!
Sister Bice

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