Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wie geht's Österreich? Kalt....‏

Liebe Freunde und Liebe Familie,

Hmm...where to begin...how about let's begin with....Saturday! Schwester Hausmann's baptism! We got up same as usual, packed our bags, and headed to the train station to catch our 8:45 train towards Salzburg. We got to Salzburg and got on another train to Munich. We got to Munich and got on another train to Ulm. We got to Ulm and got on another train to..Göppingen! All together it was about...6 hours. But! It was SO worth it. It was such a wonderful, special experience for me. I never doubted that some day she would make the choice to get baptized. She was just too prepared. She was looking for the truth, and "they that seek shall find." But I guess I didn't really think I'd get to share the day with her. And I could never have dreamed of the joy that would come from it. She was so beautiful all dressed in white!! And the service was lovely. I sang. "My gift is my song.." I was REAL nervous, but I made it through without any major train wrecks. Hah. Anywho, Frau Hausmann was just beaming:) Saturday was a lovely day. Saturday, my dear friend took her first step on the path that leads us all home. :) That's what makes this work worth it. Yeah, there are a lot of hard days, and seemingly millions of people that have anything BUT interest to talk to us....but it's not about the millions, it's about the ONE. And when you find that one, the rest just doesn't matter. And finding "the one" just makes you that much more excited to get out there and find the other ones! Weiter, immer weiter. :)

It was also really neat to see my old branch again! I guess you don't realize how much you love people until you leave them! I really have so much love for the members in Göppingen. I have come to the conclusion that a mission experience has little to nothing to do with WHERE you are in the world, rather, with the people you grow to love while you are there. So much of my mission has been...people. Special people who will forever have a special place in my heart. :)

As for Wels! Wels ist immer noch auf der Suche für neue Untersucher. Oder, Wels is, still, on the search for some investigators. But! Still smiling in the process. Sister Baxter and I are really looking forward to this week because we have finally got some good appointments lined up! Tomorrow we are meeting with Laura who is WAY cool but not from our area, and Wednesday we are meeting with a man who randomly popped up at Stake Conference, was befriended by a member, and agreed to meet with the missionaries, and on Thursday we are meeting with a less active and his non-member girlfriend who came as a referral from our Ward Mission Leader. So! Drücken wir die Daumen! *Fingers crossed!* Anywho! I still LOVE the ward here. On Wednesday, we were going to go on splits with two of the Young Women, but only one of them showed up so we went as a drit instead. We made a quick change of plans and in her couple of hours with us..well, she definitely had a taste of missionary work! Hah. We were almost finished and decided to go quickly to an investigators house while we had her along because normally we can never go in for a lesson. We knocked, and he came to the door....in nothing but a very small towel. Sarah's face was priceless. Poor girl. Of course the only time half-naked men come to the door is when we have the bishop's 16 year old daughter along. Hopefully she wasn't too traumatized to not come back? Hah.

I guess other than that I don't have much to report! Sister Baxter is an angel and I am grateful for her every day. I am just grateful to be here! It is starting to get really cold..which is going to be interesting..but! Ich werde es aber überleben! The gospel has never been truer! It's also never been less true. Hah. It's just...all around true. :) I hope you all have a wonderful week and remember to read your scriptures and pray! It's the littlest things that make the biggest difference! Ich habe euch lieb!

Sister Bice

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