Saturday, February 23, 2013

Grüß euch!‏

Liebe Familie und natürlich auch Freunde,
....What a crazy week.
Monday: P-day.
Tuesday: Distrikt meeting in Linz and! Surprise phone call telling us we need to pick up Sister Leben in Salzburg on Wednesday.
Wednesday: Picked up Sister Leben in Salzburg, rode back to Wels.
Thursday: Picked up Sister Judd in Salzburg and sent Sister Drury to Wien. Rode back to Wels.
Friday: Relatively normal, except for the fact that we had 3 appointments! Ja wohl.
Saturday: Finding day in Wels. Surprise phone call saying Sister Leben might be flying out next week. Rushed to members house to use computer to fill out an hour and a half worth of forms for SIster Leben. Didn't finish the forms.
Sunday: Church! I sure do love church. Ate with members. Rode out to Linz to finish forms for Sister Leben at the Weidman's. Forms took 3 hours. Got home a 10:15pm...

Yep. That was our week here in Wels. Totally crazy. But! On the bright side! Being in a dritt is great! A little tight quarters in the apartment, but other than that, no complaints! And! My German has already gotten WAY better! It is amazing what living with a native can do for ya. And Sister Judd's german is also really good, so we are able to ALL speak in german, ALL the time. It. Is. Beautiful. I love it. Also! We were able to have quite a few appointments over the weekend! These two Sisters are great. Great teachers. I am really excited to work with them both. It should be a great transfer:) We did however find out that we might lose Sister Leben already on Sunday. That would be a tragedy! I mean of course we are excited for her..she has been waiting for her Visa for 5 months already, and she is ACTUALLY supposed to be serving in the Washington, D.C. mission. But! Yeah. We will be excited for her if she gets it finally, but we will mourn for our sake. Hah. I will keep you posted. :) Other than that? We have an awesome new investigator here in Wels! Well, new for us. He was being taught in Wien, but just moved to our area. Leopold Schatzberger. He is SO great!  He has such a beautiful spirit about him. Yesterday we had an investigator class with a very wide assortment of investigators and opinions. We had an austrian who is actually muslim. A muslim wanting to become christian who speaks great persian and unfortunately very little german, a woman who was raised in the church but then her parents left and she believes on more or less nothing, and then Leo. We were all talking about God and who He is and how He is and..etc..and the discussion had become..naja tense is a little harsh but there was just a lot going on. When we asked Leo what he thought of it all he said to the class, "I'm not really sure. But the missionaries in Vienna once gave me a very good suggestion. If you have a question and want an answer, just ask God. He has all the answers." In his short, sweet testimony the spirit was so strong. We are meeting with him tomorrow, and we can't wait!! Feel free to add him to your prayers. :)  He is wonderful, and he is prepared.

Soooo I know this email is a little...well..not my finest work? Short, hectic, perhaps even a little lacking in content. Welcome to my brain sometimes? Hah. At any rate, I am about out of time already. We have a ton to get done today. But! Yeah. President Miles sent us all a part of Elder Uchtdorf's last conference talk in his email this week. The one about regrets and resolutions. It has a quote in there that I love. „Wir sollten mit dem Glücklichsein nicht zu lange warten, nur um irgendwann zu erkennen, dass das Glück doch die ganze Zeit schon ganz nah war“ Hmm..right..english.."We shouldn’t wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available—all the time!" I love that. I love the whole talk. Feel free to read it!

I feel like too many of us really do postpone happiness, always waiting on the "if's" and the "when's", fooling ourselves into thinking that our happiness has less to do with us and more to do with everything around us. Which! Is so not true! There is a reason they call Satan "the father of all Lies". Satan would have us to believe that happiness is just some abstract idea meant to torture us because we can see it in the future but it will always lie just beyond our reach. What a terrible outlook on life! It often goes back to the taunting "..the grass is always greener on the other side..." No, it's not! Silly Satan. I am conviced that the grass on my side of the fence is just as green as the grass on everybody else's side. The trick? Well, I guess I can only speak for me, but what I have found is that the MOMENT I just stop worrying about everybody else's grass, mine INSTANTLY looks so much better! God WANTS us to be happy. And He truly has given us every single thing we need to achieve it. And that doesn't mean some celestial day in the future. We, all of us, have everything we need to be happy, and we can do it today. So! In the simple but powerful words of Elder Uchtdorf, "Let us resolve to be happy, regardless of our circumstances."
That is my prayer for all of you. :) Ich hab euch Lieb!!
Sister Bice

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