...zombie pday! |
..we got those shirts from an old lady in our ward. she is a little crazy, but we love her:) |
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Pres. & Sis. Miles, Sister Bice |
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Stuttgart Zone- Leadership |
Ja Hallo! Wie geht's euch? We had a really great week here in Wels...with a lot of lessons! First time in a long time. Ok so I guess we didn't have THAT many lessons, but the ones that we had were really good! We also had a couple of new investigators! Really promising ones too. Perhaps the kind that need a little more time than anything, but what is time to the Lord? It's not WHEN we "get there", it's simply THAT we get there. :) Wels is such a wonderful area. The ward here loves missionary work, and are so willing to help. I think for most of my mission, I have felt like the WARD was supporting the MISSIONARIES (which is also great..), but in Wels it feels like us, the missionaries, are supporting the Ward. Which is exactly how it should be. Last week, our bishop invited us and our Senior Couple to lunch. We got there and they had made it all fancy with sugar rimmed coctail glasses and everything. It was really cute. :) Annnd also eight courses. EIGHT! I think I was already full by the time we got to #3. Haha. It was fun though. I love the Lehmanns:)
I got sick last week. I went to bed at 8pm on Tuesday. And slept clear till 6:30am. Annd still couldn't properly function during personal study. So Sister Baxter ordered me to bed and I took a nice 2 hour nap. It. Was. Wonderful. And! I felt like a million bucks afterward. :) It's cold here already! Especially on a bike! No wonder I got sick! But I have been managing to keep warm :) I will admit that I have looked like a spook sometimes...with my two jackets my wool skirt and my scarf wrapped from my neck clear to my eyes. Throw a bike helmet on top of that and...well, lets just say, its not a fashion show. Hah. I would have NEVER dressed like that back home. But! Desperate times call for desperate measures.
.....sooo I'm sure there were a lot more great things that happened in the week...probably some good funny stories too....i thought of some good ones on the train ride over here...buuuut I am afraid to say..I can't think of them right at the moment...hmm..
Mensch, I am just so grateful to be here. I like the way Elder Miller said it a couple weeks ago. "I am so grateful to be serving here and now!" Obviously the opportunity to serve is fantastic. But it's the "where" and the "when" and most importantly the "who" that makes each mission perfect for the missionary. I bet almost every missionary in the world would tell you, quite proudly and confidently, that they served in "the BEST mission in the WORLD!!" (Little do they know that I am actually the one serving in the best mission in the world..*wink*) But! That's what's so great about it. I took some time last week and flipped through my first mission journal....I don't think I've laughed so hard in a while. I have grown so much since then! Experienced so much. Learned so much. If somebody asked me "So Sister Bice, what have you learned on your mission?" I wouldn't even know where to start. I think one of the things I have learned most is simply to love. I read President Monson's talk from Priesthood session this last week, "See Others as They May Become" and! I loved it. It really made me think. I mean, that is the key to this work. To see others, and ourselves, not necessarily as they are, but rather, as they may become. "We must develop the capacity to see men not as they are at present but as they may become when they receive testimonies of the gospel of Christ." We MUST. It's essential to our progress, and to theirs. Taking a step back from the must, we notice the WE. If you think about it, it really is a kind of "carnal man" piece of advice. Sometimes, we are just a little too far from perfection to see things as they really are, AND be happy about it. So we have to try to look through somebody else's--the Saviors--eyes. Then! It hit me just how absolutely grateful I am for a Savior who, although He sees me for my highest potential and nudges me along on my way to reaching it, also sees me for exactly who and what I am. And He loves me. Weaknesses and all. I am so grateful for that knowledge. We had a lesson with the Young Women again this week and at the end Sister Fuchs said "So we all know that there are a lot of hard things that come with missionary work, but in just one or two sentences, could you please tell us WHY you do it?" It was a great question that I had never actually really thought much about. It was also a great opportunity to bear my testimony to myself as well as the darling young women. Why? Because I love my Savior. Because He gave His life for me. Of course He performed the Atonement for each and every one of us, but every day I am more convinced that if it was just me standing down here on this big old planet earth all by my onesies, He still would have done it. Just for me. And if I can give Him just 18 months of my life in a small effort to say "thank you", then please, sign me up, trials and all. :)
I hope you all have a wonderful week! If you are feeling a little bit down, just whistle a little tune to yourself! That always helps! Then again, so does being a missionary. I don't know how you could NOT be happy with a little black nametag with "Jesus Christ" on it! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful army of support back home as I am privileged to take part in this wonderful work. :)
Sister Bice
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