Friday, December 7, 2012

Grüß euch! Und! Einen schönen guten Tag wünsche ich euch alle:)‏

Liebe Familie und Freunde,
Wow I just can't believe that it is DEZEMBER already! When did that happen?! Obviously while I wasn't looking....anywho, today is the 3rd. Which means Friday is the 7th. Which just so happens to be my ONE YEAR mark! I. Can't. Believe it. I feel like I just got here! OK, not really..but I definitely don't feel like I've been here a whole year. I mean, I can't even begin to express my gratitude for this last year of my life. I have learned so much, grown so much, changed so much, and I am looking forward to the next 6 months that I have to continue to serve and try and show the Lord just how much I love Him. I know I'm still in the middle of it, but I can tell you right now that my mission has changed my life. I feel like the lessons I am learning on my mission are going to bless me for the rest of eternity. What an opportunity.
So! This last week was a little slow..but good! But that shouldn't surprise anyone because I am STILL a missionary...and therefor every week is a good week. :) I guess it was all good except for...lunch on Wednesday. We went and helped an old lady in the ward, then she fed us lunch. We sometimes eat crazy things there, but never too bad. She put some rice on my plate, and I thought "oh good! Rice! Rice is normal..." Then out of the next pan she pulled...a big, slimy, jet black piece of sausage. "Blutwurst" she said, and my stomach dropped. Blutwurst is blood sausage, and though I don't REALLY know what that means, the name is bad enough and then the look of the thing? Not to mention it crumbled all over the place when I tried to cut into it...bleh. I didn't translate for Sister Drury. I figured I would let her eat her sausage in peace. She asked me part way through.."Sister bice..are you ok? You don't look so good...." But! No worries. I managed to wrestle it down..AND keep it down. Now let's just hope I don't have to eat another one of those, and I will be a happy camper. :)
Anywho! Just for the record, things are still going well with my new comp! We definitely come from different pasts....but! Our present is united in purpose. "To invite others to come unto Christ..." And so! What else matters? :)
So Thursday! Thursday was a little bit crazy. But! It was great! We visited an older Schwester in the ward. She is always sick and mostly deaf, but never loses sight of hope. We had a lesson, then she had Sister Drury say a prayer...annd then she had me say a prayer....then she said a prayer. And it was beautiful. It really hit home what it means to "become like a child" for me. It was so simple, yet so fervent and so full of faith and gratitude as she pleaded with the Lord. At the end she said "..I know you can heal me.." and in that moment, I knew it too. That little prayer was a testimony to me that not only can the Lord heal that dear sweet sister, He can heal all of us. And He will, if we come unto Him "as a little child". I was really grateful for the experience and the lesson I learned from it:) And! Thursday night! Also wonderful! We had a lesson with Familie Martinez. She is a single mom and we have met with her a couple of times, but this time her two kids joined us as well and we had a great lesson on the Book of Mormon. At the end, Sister Drury suggested we say a kneeling prayer together. We all kneeled and Sister Drury reached to grab something, and Carmen (the mom) thought she was going for her hand so she offered it out to her..then they were both a little awkward and embarrassed so to save the situation I said "That's a great idea Sister Drury! Why don't we all hold hands while we pray?" Sooo we did. Hah. We laughed about it later, but I really think it was good for this little family to kneel in a circle and join hands in prayer. I love the gospel. And I love what it has to offer families:) Anywho, after our lesson we rode the train out to Linz. Sister Drury had some concerns she had expressed to me the night before and she wanted to get a blessing from the Elders. It was a neat experience as well. She hadn't told the Elders anything, but as I listened to the blessing I was amazed as every one of her concerns were addressed. It was just one more testament to me of the power of the priesthood. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I was really sick for about 5 days and not sleeping at night was awful. Then on p-day I got a blessing from the elders, and the next day, I was totally fine, and have been fit as a fiddle ever since!
Annnd of course the ward here in Wels is as wonderful as ever. Our ward Christmas party is all centered on missionary work and visiting the less active members. The darling members here make Wels a little bit of heaven on earth. :) Yesterday in church we talked about enduring to the end, and someone shared a thought along the lines of...enduring to the end doesn't mean reaching a point and then flat lining it until "the end"'s not a straight line. There will still be ups, and downs. The important thing, is that the overall line is always going up! I love it. We are not called to be perfect, we are called to make progress. :) Anywho, Bishop shared another good object lesson in his testimony. He was talking about his washing machine (..i think..) and some little valve on it that broke. He'd said to the repairman "I just don't understand how it broke..I never even USE that little valve..." And the repairman said "..which is exactly WHY it broke." Then he likened that unto us and the gospel. Take our testimony for example. I don't think a testimony could ever be diminished by sharing it "too much". When it comes to sharing testimonies, there is no such thing as "too much"! It is when we don't use them ENOUGH that they are in danger of "breaking". Hmm. Simple but true! I also had the opportunity to bear my testimony in sacrament yesterday. Which always makes me nervous. And also makes me forget all the German I ever learned..hah. But! I've just been so impressed with the joy I have been able to find on my mission. I heard in seminary once a quote that said something along the lines of "There is nothing that could happen in any given day, that could take away the joy we experience through the restored gospel.." Back then I thought to myself "psh, there is PLENTY that could happen on any given day to take my joy away!" But! I have really come to know the truthfulness of that little quote here on my mission. I mean, I have lived an incredibly blessed life. I have a wonderful family, friends, and and and. And yet I have never been happier than I am now on my mission. Which, according to one of our young women shouldn't really add up because on a mission "you have to go to bed early, you have to wake up early, you can't listen to music, and you spend all day talking to people who don't want to talk to you and probably don't even like you..." Which! I guess is true to some extent..hah. So WHY do we experience so much joy on a mission? The conclusion I came to was 1) on my mission, I have tried harder to be EXACTLY obedient to ALL the rules (commandments) more than ever before in my life, and 2) on my mission, I have tried harder to spread the gospel and share my testimony more than ever before in my life. Which leads me to believe that if any of YOU are looking for a little more joy in your life, there is the key! Try a little harder to keep the commandments and try a little harder to share the gospel. And so! That is exactly what I would like to invite you all to do! After all, who ISN'T looking for a little more joy in life?:)
Annd on that note I have to scamper! I am every day grateful to my Father in Heaven for this wonderful opportunity to be here, serving Him. I am also grateful for my wonderful support squad back home:) Thank you all for your prayers and your love! Have a lovely week and, as always, don't forget to SMILE!
Sister Bice

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